Do you ship internationally?

Yes! Most orders are international. However depending on your country there may be customs fees incurred, especially if you're in the EU. These customs fees are the buyer's responsibility. If you have any questions or instructions regarding customs please leave a message at checkout or contact me.

If you're in the USA or Australia the customs threshold is very high ($500+) so you don't need to worry!

How much is shipping?

Standard postage (no tracking) starts from £2 within UK and £4 internationally. Tracked postage starts from £3.50 within UK and £10.50 internationally

I use Royal Mail by default but for tracked international orders I may use Evri or Transglobal Express. I may also upgrade international orders with standard postage to tracked postage at my discretion.

Shipping rates will depend on the weight of your package and your region, which is calculated automatically at checkout.

Below is a rough guide for shipping rates:

Standard Postage (no tracking)
Zone 1 (USA, Canada, etc. except zone 2)
Zone 2 (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore)
less than 100g (about 6 pins)
100g to 250g

Tracked Postage
Zone 1 (Canada, etc. except zone 2)
Zone 2 (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore)
less than 100g (about 6 pins)
100g to 250g

Because I can use Transglobal Express for packages going to USA, tracked postage to the USA now only costs from £6!

Some countries will only have tracked shipping made available to them, this is based on past experience shipping to those countries.

Is standard shipping safe?

Standard shipping does not have tracking, so there can be risks as I will not know where it is once it is posted out. I can provide proof of posting for them though!

Most of my packages are sent with standard postage since it's more affordable and it arrives safely most of the time. However I recommend tracked shipping for high value orders, or if you live in a country where the postal system is not very reliable.

Please select standard shipping at your own risk. If it goes missing I can make a lost package report for you and re-send the package once Royal Mail responds, but there is no guarantee that they will!

How long will shipping times take?

This varies a lot as it depends on the postal system and on the global situation, but from dispatch UK orders usually take 1-3 days to deliver and international orders take 1-3 weeks. If your order has not arrived after 2 weeks (UK), 3 weeks (International tracked) or 6 weeks (International standard) please contact me.

I did not get an order confirmation or dispatch email?

Emails from my shop tend to end up in the spam folder, so please check that first. If it is not there please contact me and I will search my orders list, I can resend emails from there too.

Can I cancel or change my order?

I would really prefer not to have to cancel orders as the transaction fee is not refundable on this platform so please be sure you want the purchase before checking out!
I can also change orders to add/remove/modify items if I have not dispatched it yet so please email me as soon as possible. If there is no confirmation from me via email after 24 hours please try again or contacting me via social media DMs.

Can I return my order?

Yes, but return postage fees will be your responsibility unless the return is because of an issue that is my fault. For example, if I sent you the wrong item.

An item I want is sold out, will it come back?

As it depends on the item, please contact me if you'd like to request a restock. Sometimes I do have the item but haven't realised that the listing quantity has run out!

I ordered a preorder, when will it be sent out?

Please check the listing page of the preorder for an estimated completion date in the description. Also do note that any orders containing a preorder will only be dispatched when the preorder is ready, so you could order 3 in-stock pins and 1 preorder pin but all 4 pins will only ship once the preorder is ready. 

Are you on Etsy/other retail sites?

I used to sell on Etsy but I have now moved to my own website here. This website is the only place I am based at the moment, I am not on eBay/Aliexpress/Depop/Mercari etc.

I don't have any physical stores but I attend some comic conventions in the UK as a vendor.

How can I contact you?

Please email me at hello@magicalmaidens.com or DM me on instagram